Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Youtube Should BAN COMMENTS

I am pissed off. Let me tell you why.

I am pissed off because people are SHIT STUPID.

I can't read comments on youtube videos (particularly political youtube videos) without my blood boiling. The level of racism and/or ignorance is just breathtaking. Why do people not think before they type? Why do people think that other people want to read their stupid racist remarks? All these types of comments do is make THEM look bad, and piss off ME and many others who actually have an IQ higher than 2, and are able to see past race in our dealings with people and can understand how individuals from certain ethnic groups have been discriminated against and kept down throughout history, and therefore cannot attest to such a large number of significant scientific and literary figures, but are now beggining to come into their own and transform their native lands into the world's future superpowers.

Look at the world's list of billionaires, and see how many Asians are beginning to rise up in the ranks. Look at how many Indian millionaires are rising out of Silicon Valley, California these days. Take notice of the richness and grandeur of Indian and Chinese culture. Do all of these things before making comments like "Obama is half white, hence the source of his talent". Some piece of racist trash sitting around in New Caledonia (this cluster of tiny islands in the Pacific which constitute a French overseas department) made that comment on a video that argued that the transition to liberal democracy in South Africa did not shift the concentration of power away from the whites due to their continued corporate dominance. I've seen other youtube comments by white people, which openly and without any consciousness of the feelings of black people whatsoever, use the "n-word" in reference to them while trying to claim that black people have an innate tendency towards crime, and say insulting and demeaning things towards Indians and Indian culture (something I noticed on a video of a hindu mantra).

Based on my own assessments of racism, I believe it is not due to people's personal assessments of history (I think the vast majority of people don't even think that much), but due to the mystified and misunderstanding way in which different ethnic groups view the cultures of other ethnic groups.

I honestly believe that individuals from one cultural group have a lot of difficulty understanding the cultures of other peoples, and due to their own personal uneducated assessments of those individuals' cultural behaviours and ceremonies, and the unique psychological mentality behind each of these cultures, by assessing them against their own culturally-specific psychological mentality. It takes an individual who grew up in-between 2 or more different cultures to understand how cultures are based on unique mentalities that are best understood by people coming from those cultural backgrounds. When looking at another culture, someone of the opposite culture will often make either one of two assessments of the other culture--1. It is Primitive or 2. It is indulgent. An individual who has immersed themselves in the given 2 cultures, however, can understand how they are not primitive, or indulgent, but represent different, distinct ways of life.

Anyways, back to Youtube. My problem is not with the individuals who make videos. Most of them seem to have a lot of common sense, and are often quite intelligent, but my problem is with the idiots who make stupid comments on them. I dunno whether they are just all a bunch of idiots, or they are writing out of emotion and are not thinking through what they are saying. I don't think those comments have any merit whatsoever (at least in 99% of cases), and take away from the experience of surfing their website.

Additionally, I am not specifically saying that only white people are racist, but I am writing this blog because of something I saw that was written by a white person that really struck a nerve with me. Even worse than the stuff I've read on youtube comments is on the India vs, Pakistan videos. I could probably write an ENTIRE POST about them. Some of them are so ridiculous that they are almost funny. For example, on one video I once watched about India, there was this entire argument going on between Indians and Pakistanis about whose dicks were cleaner (ya, i dunno where the hell that came from either, but I suspect it has something to do with how Pakistanis, as muslims, circumcise boys, and make the hygiene argument to secularly justify it). Increasingly, however, the Indian side has made a lot more sense in its Pakistan-bashing, when it talks about muslims killing each other and poor human rights situations, and how their own indian economies are doing quite well, and all the Pakistanis can come back with these days are comments about dicks, and hopeless efforts to discredit India's democracy and growing economy (the sikh nationalists try and do that too). ;P.

So in conclusion, I don't see why the comments feature still needs to exist. People should send their stupid comments as private messages to the uploader or just keep them to themselves. Youtube is for ideos, forums and blogs are for sharing written views. And to all those racist white people out there, if you want to write about how much you hate us, I don't want to read it, so just go to Stormfront and post there.


Friday, June 13, 2008


Ghandi believed that there existed 7 deadly sins.

Wealth without work,
Pleasure without conscience,
Knowledge without character,
Commerce without morality,
Science without humanity,
Worship without sacrifice, and
Politics without principle.

First, let's look at the first words in each one of these propositions:


The above words represent things that various individuals crave--some of which depend on an individual's preferences, others of which are universal. Individuals might obtain gratification from obtaining large amounts of any one of these things. An individual may dedicate his entire life to pursuing wealth, pleasure, knowledge, commerce, science, worship, or politics, simply for the personal gratification that these activities allow him or her to enjoy, often supported by one's personal understanding of the world. Each one of these pursuits are, therefore, SELFISH.

It is just as selfish to pursue science for the sake of science, simply for the personal gratification of obtaining knowledge, even if that knowledge has the potential to physically or emotionally harm large amounts of people (such as a deadly weapons technology or genetic information that might put into question the equality, in some respect, of a particular national group), than it is to pursue as much monetary wealth as possible, despite what horrible, disgusting things that individual had to do to get the money (i.e. or killing individuals, or threatening to do so, for the sake of obtaining a ransom, or tossing millions of workers into unemployment in a particular area in pursuit of a cheaper location).

Now, lets look at the third words in each proposition:


These are things that any individual could, at his or her primal level, do without. People don't want to work--they want to be as rich as possible by doing as little work as possible. Many people would love to have as much fun as they wanted without thinking about how they may be harming themselves by having fun in that manner (i.e. taking a particular hallucinogen to obtain a particular effect, thinking only about how fun it might be, and not of how that drug might harm one's body), simply pursuing information without having no substance, no spirit, zest or flamboyancy whatsoever, thereby dehumanizing an individual to the level of mere biological machinery, making as much money in any way possible without thinking about how one's pursuits might be negatively affecting others, pursuing scientific knowledge without actually considering the positive or negative human implications of that science, worshipping a particular religious deity to ask for forgiveness for each and every crime committed without actually making an effort to prevent oneself from committing these moral crimes, and pursuing political power without having any principles to propagate--or thus any reason to lead a population other than the will for power itself.

The above words represent things that are SELFLESS. Individuals do not necessarily obtain any personal gain from doing these things, but they add MEANING to things that the individual does. The human race needs a moral basis for its activities. This moral basis is what separates barbarism and civilization. Individuals cannot do things without considering how these things might be negatively effecting themselves or society around them. Simply pursuing things without considering why they might be good or bad in a respect other than self-gratification turns us all into pigs and whores in a free-fall of unsustainability. Without principles, we will be extinct, both physically and existentially. A human race without principles at its base is a race based on indulgence, not a race based on humanity.

Something for you all to consider..........

Friday, June 6, 2008

"Da-DA-Da-Da, Da-Da-DA-Da-Da" No More????

I used to be a huuge hockey fan, and a pretty big sports fan in general. These days I'm not as engrossed in sports as I used to be because I've discovered other things. However, there are certain things that define your childhood, and the experience of growing up in Canada, and one of them happens to be the Hockey Night in Canada theme song. For 40 years, generations have turned on the television on Saturday night at 7 p.m. to hear the legendary jingle before the evening's games began. The classic Canadian saturday night can never be complete without Hockey Night in Canada, and Hockey Night in Canada can never be complete without that legendary jingle. Some have gone so far as to call the song "Canada's second national anthem"--an important unifying institution in a country fraught with regionalism and divided nationalistic sympathies.

The song was originally composed in 1968 by Vancouver-native Dolores Claman, an alma mater of the University of British Columbia who received a graduate scholarship to the famed Julliard School of Music. Since CBC bought the right to use the tune as the theme song for Hockey Night in Canada, it has been played, in various different forms, from jazz to rock, prior to the commencement of their saturday night hockey series. Over the years, Canadians have fallen in love with the tune. It has been known to have a great emotional affect on Canadians at home and abroad, with a myriad of anecdotal tales describing the importance this melody has had in inspiring nationalism and encouragement into Canadians across the globe. When the sheet music was released in 2000, it sold more copies than the year's top-of-the-chart albums.

Recently, after the expiry of the copyright agreement between its owners and the CBC, the CBC announced that it might not be renewed, and Canadians may have very well heard the last of "Da-DA-Da Da, Da-Da-DA-Da-Da" with the conclusion of the most recent Stanley Cup Finals. The copyright holders announced that they hoped the crown corporation would have a change of heart, and it is known that the composer is having a particularly hard time with the news of this possibility. The CBC said that, if a deal cannot be reached under any circumstances, a nationwide contest would be held to select a new theme. Somehow, however, I think that if a national contest was held, everyone would send in the same theme song as before :P It has become such an important part of national life in this country that getting rid of it is as foolish as getting rid of the Maple Leaf. Even some politicians, such as Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach and NDP national leader Jack Layton, have expressed their anger and disbelief with this attitude on the part of the CBC.

So far, Canadians that have been confronted with the news on the street have responded with shock, anger, and disbelief. I hope the CBC's bureaucracy is proud of what it is stealing from our national experience. It should be reminded that it is part of the CBC's mandate to "contribute to shared national consciousness and identity" (part iv), and failing to renew the copyright for this jingle would be contrary to this. The royalty is $500, and I think that is measly in comparison to the amount of revenue they make from the program. I truly hope the CBC and the jingle's copyright holders can come to a mutually-acceptable agreement, if not for anything else but the benefit of this nation's heritage, traditions, and future generations.

Considering its mandate, the CBC should not give up at the negotiating table as easily as it seems to be, as indicated by comments such as "oh, we thought the deadline was tomorrow!". Comments such as this indicate to me that they are actually trying to get away with not renewing the theme, for reasons that are beyond my comprehension and definitely not in their, or this nation's, best interest. If the CBC does indeed decide to do away with the classic HNIC theme, it will have made, in my eyes, an anti-Canadian decision.

Associated Links:

thestar.com, "Hockey Theme Not Dead Yet"

Hockey Night in Canada Theme Website

CBC/Radio Canada Mandate