Sunday, October 19, 2008


It's been over two months since I last blogged.

I guess a lot of things have gotten in the way of me being able to do so, such as school, personal stuff, etc. But in general, I think I am having quite an awkward academic year. Things don't feel like they did previously--the sheer sensation is different from what it was last year. I've gone from a glistening first-year excitedly jumping at the opportunity to explore life, academia, and all that wonderful stuff that comes with the university experience, to a well-adapted second year student with an eye less focused on immediate life experiences and more on academics, extra-curricular commitments and prospects for the immediate and not-so-immediate future.

Living off campus adds on commuting time, but also provides for an escape. There is now no chance of me remaining on campus for 3 weeks straight, and going for days in a row without stepping outside (and simply tunneling everywhere). I guess there is a lot to talk about politically, such as the upcoming American elections and the fallout from the most recent Canadian one, but at the moment, I think I'll leave it all to Facebook statuses and individual conversations.

Interestingly, I feel like I've been overbooking myself with all those extra-curriculars I've thrown onto my plate. Nevertheless, being busy keeps me sane, and extra-curriculars not only enhance applications, but allow me to participate in a variety of activities related to my various interests, which include International Affairs, Human Rights, and Social Justice. I will also be applying for an exchange for my third year, which will most likely be to Turkey--a country with a sociopolitical dynamic that has always interested me.

As the weather gets chillier, and the end of October approaches, we are all occupied with midterms, assignments, presentations, and all that other fun stuff that goes along with university. I wish everyone best of luck for the remainder of this fall term, and hope that you all exceed your own expectations.


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